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Useful Contacts


  • Comité Départemental de Randonnée Pédestre
    Place de la mairie 32700 Lectoure
    Tel : 05 62 68 94 51 or 06 84 15 82 87

Horse Riding

  • Comité Départemental de Tourisme Equestre
    Hala 32230 Laveraët - Tel : 05 62 08 24 11

Cycling and Mountain Biking

  • Comité Départemental de Cyclotourisme du Gers
    As Quées 32120 Mauvezin - Tel - Fax : 05 62 06 91 47
  • Site et espace VTT FFC : les vallons du lectourois
    Offices de tourisme Lectoure, Fleurance ou La Romieu

Mountain Bike rentals

  • half-day, full day, week, month
    Lectoure Tourist Office - Tel : 05 62 68 76 98
  • Contacts for hiking associations and schedules are available from the "Comité Départemental de Randonnée Pédestre"
    Maps and guide books are available from Tourist Offices.

Circuits and Routes

The Road to Santiago de Compostella

  • GR ("Grande Randonnée") 65 : the Via Podensis from Le Puy to Roncesvalles
    Well-signposted itinerary which comes into the Gers at Saint Antoine (Miradoux district) and which crosses the Gers (153 kilometers) past Lectoure, La Romieu then Condom. This pathway is on the list of UNESCO world heritage sites.
  • GR 652 : from Rocamadour to La Romieu
    This itinerary joins the Via Podensis at La Romieu (18 kilometers)

Signposted paths : GRP and PR

  • Walking itineraries through the "Gers Lomagne" (PR : "Petite Randonnée")
    More than 20 signposted paths start from Fleurance, Lectoure, La Romieu and Montestruc.
  • Mountainbike tracks in the Lectoure area
    More than 300 kilometers of marked tracks are available in the Gers Lomagne, with 4 different levels of difficulty.
  • "Coeur de Gascogne" country GR
    This well-marked itinerary is a circuit of 165 kilometers starting from Auch. It can be done in 6 days. Almost half of it goes through the « Gers Lomagne » region (Montestruc, Fleurance, Lectoure, La Romieu).

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